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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mural of Sachsen Rulers -DRESDEN

The connection between the Royal Palace and the stables was decorated by a painting (later replaced by thousands of ceramic tiles)
depicting the series of Rulers of Saxony, showing some 800 years of succession history.

Each "Notable" was identified by name and nick-name.
Thus you find: Arthur the Rich, Ottokar the Brave and so on.
Since my memory fails me, the above names are inventions of mine to illustrate the names and nick names.

This one I photographed in close-up mode, since I was puzzled by the name-nick name:
"Friedrich der Gebissene"
Friedrich the Bitten.
Upon my question to my guide: Why "the Bitten" she explained that Friedrichs father
wanted a liaison with another woman and planned to murder (or more likely "have murdered)
his mother.
Friends warned Friedrich's mother who fled during the night. She hugged and kissed her 13 year old son (Friedrich)
and so he might never forget his mother nor this night, she, as the scribe said: "bit him in the cheek."
The scribe, so my guide explained, did not clarify if 'the cheek' was in his face or at the other end.
The artist of this mural very discreetly painted the scar on his right facial cheek.
one can clearly see the scar running from just under his right eye down across his cheek.
These are some of the little tid bits which make such an expedition interesting and fun.
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