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Monday, April 20, 2020

Grey Crowned Cranes aplenty

"Well, yesterday we saw some pretty mighty and angry Hippos and Crocks fighting.
Today we shall,with any luck, observe something a little more peaceful, but not less emotional."
Vic Chulu, our excellent guide, beamed with anticipated satisfaction.
We shall drive to a lake, more like a big pond, where hundreds of Crowned, or Crested Cranes have gathered for the process of "Groom Selection."
"Bert's cameras should have a field day" Kel mused.

The Males fly in at great speed and perform precipitous landing maneuvers.
Several females stand in small groupings and eye the males carefully. 
"Wait a moment," Vic said, "The males will start jumping, showing off their strength and prowess"
"A behavior very much like the human male displays on the Beach." John smiled. "Show-Offs, all of them."
Vic parked the truck in the shade and the last, estimated 300 yards, we walked carefully and stayed hidden as much as possible. 
I found two Maponi trees, from in between which I could photograph the whole scene. (my tele-lens again proved its worth.)
A quick, superficial count showed me between 250 and 300 birds.


Before this momentous day, seeing one Crowned Crane 
was already a pleasurable event.

"Haven't we met last year? Or the year before?"

"You know, Binella, that's Belsmount, 
he loves to see his landing in this mirror."
Stay away from him. He's just a cheap show-off"
"But he's soooo cute. And handsome"

"Hey, lovely to see you again.
How about a bite to eat after this noisy gathering, 
just the two of us? You know...
like the olden days?
I know a place where they have the best Frog Legs"

"It's you again, Adelbert, 
you tried to horn in on my Freilinde last year.
Didn't work, hugh, 
It ain't gonna work this year neither.
So go, and find somebody else, before I loose my cool."

"Hellooooo Ladies!
Take a look.
I am the great jumper."

"But I, I am the greatest.
From a standing start! 2 meters up, easily."

"I could jump even higher, if the ground weren't so soft."

Good bye Everybody...  See you next year at the Jump off.

Seeing that many in one place was almost an emotional experience.

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