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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

When the Sun Shines....

Isn't it just great when the sun shines again? It rained yesterday and I was able to do a lot more writing. But today, the sun is out in all its glory. I drove to the village of Grinzling and from there to a hydro dam and lake. This country is really something to see. One view more beautiful than the one before. I photographed some mountains, which will knock your eyes out...if not, the least that will happen is that you will say: "Holy cow, that's beautiful."
The Zillertal is about 25km long and 2-3km wide. The Schlegeis Valley, which runs off the Zillertal is about 10 to 15 km long, but only (and I am estimating) about 250 to 350 meters wide. This is what there is: On one side; The steep mountain...then a small river...then some houses and then a steeply rising hill changes into a mountain. No more than 250 meters wide. At the widest spot, there is the community of Ginzling. I wonder how much sun the poor people who live there get each day? Anyway, the rushing waterfalls simply tear down the mountain and feed the rivers and the man made lake. There are two or three huge waterfalls, pouring into this lake, dozens upon dozens of smaller ones and hundreds of still smaller ones. They certainly don't lack for fresh water.
I drove to an elevation of about 1,800 meters and then hiked up to about 2,100 meters. What? i hear you call out, for a lousy 300 meters he has to write a Blog? Well if you've ever been in the mountains, you will know that 300 meters of elevation can take a lot of hiking. Anyway it was a great great great day. It's 4 o'clock right now and the sun is still shining and i should be somewhere outdoors. But I am so eager to write this and to look at todays pictures and maybe even to post a few....Till later then....Bert

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