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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Apple blossoms

Last Spring, it must have been mid to late April, I took a little trip up the "Kömmel".
The Kömmel is not a mountain but a good sized hill.  You can, if this is what you want to do, drive on a paved road up one side and down the other. 
You may also take some "not maintained" logging roads, which make you feel sorry that you are not driving a 4 wheel, off road, vehicle. With some determination, skill and luck, you get through and also come down the other side in one piece.
Driving through stark wilderness I saw a somewhat stunted apple tree in full bloom.
Apple trees, so I always thought, do not grow wild, but mostly near some sort of civilized surrounding.: A farm, a small house, occupied by somebody who cares about apples. But never, ever have I found one growing by itself, in the middle of raw wilderness.
I stopped the car and got out to explore a little closer. Yes, it was an apple tree, chockablock full of brilliant white blooms.
And then I saw it: The broken down remnants of what must have been a house, a cabin, a hut, in any event an abode, occupied by the Austrian equivalent to Johnny Appleseed.

Have you ever seen an apple tree growing in the wilderness ?

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