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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Who shall it be ?

I do not normally mix in Politics.
I do not comment about Austrian Politics and I have not yet said anything in respect of Canadian Politics.
I am about to break this unwritten rule of mine and will make some comments about the positions taken by the Leaders of Canada's three major parties in respect of the international struggle against ISIS.
On the date of the anniversary of the attack against the World Trade Center in New York, all three gave a position statement.

There is surely no need to recite here a listing of the cruel and inhuman activities of the soldiers, acting under the black flag of ISIS. There is no need to explain in detail the reason of the refugee crisis threatening to overwhelm Europe.
It seems clear and beyond a shadow of doubt that this Organization is the biggest threat against peace in the Middle East and Europe and indirectly against peace in the world.

Mr. Stephen Harper, Leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of Canada said this:

“Only a Conservative Government would continue Canada's role in the combat mission against ISIS.
As long as the most violent and barbaric people in the world commit acts of unspeakable slaughter, as long as they brag about them and broadcast them to the world and as long as they threaten to do the same things to Canada and Canadians, the conservative Government will make sure that we stay in the international coalition fighting against ISIS.”

Mr. Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada took this position:

Under a Liberal Government, Canada would withdraw from the bombing missions over Iraq and Syria and would shift towards a training mission and focus on humanitarian and refugee efforts in the region.

Mr. Toni Mulcair, Leader of the “New Democratic Party” stated that he would immediately withdraw from active participation in this struggle.

“We can stop the flow of arms and money and we can stop the flow of foreign fighters.”

Mr. Harper's position is quite clear: Canada has committed to contribute aircraft and support personnel and will live up to this commitment. Canada will continue to be a member of the international alliance to fight ISIS.

Mr. Trudeau would allow ISIS to carry on its international vandalism unchecked, but would help its victims. Under his leadership, Canada would not stop the mayhem and the killing, but would put bandages on the injured, and presumably assist in burying the dead.

Mr. Mulcair must be “Naivete personified”!
Under his leadership Canada would stop the flow of arms? How is he going to do this? Since Canada is not supplying arms to ISIS in the first place, he would have to stop other nations, like Russia, China, and Goodness knows who else from supplying this armament.
“We can stop the flow of Money “! Mr. Mulcair does not say how he would accomplish that either.
Since it is doubtful that ISIS has all of its deposits in Canada it would be a major accomplishment for Mr. Mulcair to “stop the flow of money.”
Further, Mr. Mulcair would stop the flow of foreign fighters: How is he going to stop the flow of radicalized young men and women to Join ISIS from many countries in Europe, (including Austria ) and from the USA ?

So, now let me take an unequivocal position:
Mr. Trudeau would stop fighting ISIS, but would train others to do so. He is appealing to the Mothers and Nurses since, under his Government, Canada would “focus on humanitarian issues”.... Now isn't that nice ?
In other statements, Mr. Trudeau championed an economy based on major deficit spending.
Given these strange opinions, (among many others) and, of lesser importance, his stilted delivery Mr. Trudeau and his Liberal Party would be totally unsuited to lead this country.

What about Mr. Mulcair ? The above is only one of several unrealizable positions he has taken. Mr. Mulcair appears to lack even the smallest degree of sophistication or intelligence necessary to lead a Country.
Moreover, his party is a Left Wing Party. We had the NDP in charge in Ontario, many years ago and what an unmitigated disaster that was.
Canada does not need a repeat performance of Left Wing Socialism.

With all his alleged flaws it seems that Canada is stuck. We have to give Mr. Harper a Minority Government, to keep in check some of his dictatorial acts.

will vote for the Greens.


Lianne said...

ISIS wouldn't be an issue if the middle eastern countries took up arms against them. Why is it our responsibility alone to end the conflict(s)? Maybe if we pull out of active combat those governments more closely associated with the problem would step up and put and end to this.

Bert said...

Wishful thinking, Lianne, even though what you say is quite true.
It is said, however, that several of the rich Middle Eastern nations are in fact supporting ISIS and funding it. So, I am afraid that the rest of the world has to stop these murdering lunatic zealots.