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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Don't kill the messenger ! Deal with the message!

It is indeed most difficult to understand why, each time I write about the Roman Catholic Church, specifically, or Christianity in general,  a storm of protest comes from certain quarters. 
None of them, unfortunately, address an issue I may have raised, present evidence or even argument to the contrary, but inevitably launch into a personal attack.
Are these persons so fanatical in their belief that they cannot deal with any criticism of their organisation?
So when I state, for instance, that it is reported that large numbers of the R.C. clergy cannot remain celibate, there is no admission, pleading that these Priests are, after all, humans, subject to human frailties - that they are a minuscule minority, etc. etc... a position I could readily understand and in part accept.
But such a statement from me is most often followed by an attack on my personal integrity, intelligence and bias. None of which has anything to do with what I said.
The issue is never discussed, because, I surmise, it is easier to attack the messenger, than to credibly deal with the message.

So, please do not call me a "heathen" or a "damned Atheist", but, if you like, call me an Agnostic.

has no problem admitting this last description.

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