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Wednesday, May 7, 2014


It is hard to believe. 
It was, indeed, 69 years ago, on the 8th day of May, that the Second World War, colloquially referred to as WWII, came to an end. 
The World had a right to breath a gigantic sigh of relief and to celebrate the defeat of the Nazi Regime and the Liberation of Europe, including Germany and Austria.
It is further hard to believe that there are still people hereabouts who cannot accept that they were "liberated" and not defeated. 
The Nazi Regime was defeated!
The People were liberated, even if many of them did not and apparently still will not understand this.
Now, Austria celebrates the 26th day of October, because on this date in 1955, the last of the liberating forces, ( USA, Great Britain, France and Russia ) left the Country.
It is true that Russia did not behave much like a liberating force, but, having contributed substantially to the defeat of the Nazi regime they must be considered as such. The fact that they systematically plundered the Country, while the USA pored billions into a reconstruction fund, is quite another story and would deserve some careful analysis of those historical facts.
A country, which from 1938 to 1945 was but a Province of Germany, called 'die Ostmark' and which only due to the actions of the Allied forces was able to call itself by its ancient name 'Österreich' again, should not forget who gave them back this independence. 
And yet, the people here, do not celebrate the anniversary of the day on which the ultimate tyrant was defeated and on which they regained their Country, but they do celebrate the day on which the last 'Russki', 'Ami', 'Brit' and 'Frenchi', crossed the border to return to their respective homes. This was the 26th October 1955.
I believe that there cannot be much argument what Russia would have done, had the other three countries withdrawn their forces prematurely. Russia would have done to 'Österreich' exactly what it did to Poland, Hungary, East Germany and so many other of its Satellite States. All of Austria would have become a Communist occupied and directed Country and its recovery would have been as slow and painful as the recovery of East Germany.
Let us therefore not blame the other "Three in the Jeep" for holding out until the Fourth Power could be persuaded to also leave the Country.
So, dear Austria, do not forget the 8th day of May 1945, but celebrate it with all the political speeches, with all the dancing around the Maypole and with all the memories of your true Liberation.

What happened on the 30th day of April 1945, the 8th of May of this same year
and many months later is well remembered by


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