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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Terror in Vienna


Terrorist's Attack in Vienna.

I have no intention of adding to the miles of newsprint and to the gallons of printer's ink spent on the reporting of this horrifying attack by a madman religious fanatic, upon some innocent people.

Let me just spend a few lines on the reaction of a large segment of the population to this almost unbelievable deed.

From Pope Franciscus down to Cardinal Schönborn, down to the Man on the Street we are urged to “pray for the victims” of this multiple murder.

What should we pray for?

If, according to the Catholic Teachings, the victims died in a “state of Grace” they will go to Heaven.

Praying for them is therefore needless, since God had already made his decision in their favor.

If, however, they died with a mortal unconfessed and therefor unforgiven sin upon their conscience, they, regretfully, must go to Hell.

If one of the victims, by any chance was not a Christian, but, for instance a Muslim or a Hindu they also will not achieve a heavenly eternal Hereafter, because they did not “accept Jesus Christ” as the Son of God, their Savior, and therefore they must burn in Hell for all Eternity.

Although many modern Christians will admit that there is an opening in heaven for believers in another, different Messiah, the Bible does not agree with them.

Praying for them, the Non-Believers, would be useless, since the above described fate has been determined and allegedly revealed by Christ's teachings.

If God, the “All Just” has decided one way, would he really change his mind because we ask him to? N.b.l.

So, the Pope, Cardinal Schönborn and the Man on the Street ask you to do something which is either needless or useless.


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