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Monday, October 28, 2019

Imperfect book?

My very good friend, Andy, suggests I should "take it easy" since Grimms Fairytales scare kids, and the bible, just like those tales, is just an "imperfect" book.
Did you say, "imperfect"? To me, the word "imperfect" means something pretty close to the truth, with a little mistake here and there. This attribute cannot be used in connection with a work so full of contradictions, impossibilities, description of murders of entire "kingdoms", threats of everlasting fire and brimstone in everlasting Hell, where you go if you miss Sunday Mass, or kill somebody ( both classified as "Mortal Sins") and die before confession and absolution, given to you by a man, who just a little while ago buggered a little boy.
The Messers Grimm did not have a patch on the Bible, which for 1.5 Billion people is the guide line work and which claims to contain the truth, You would be totally surprised if you would find out how many Christians maintain that every word contained in the OT and the NT is true.
But that, my dear friend, is the end of my blabbering for one day.

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