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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Where goest thou, R.C.C Church

To all good church-going, believing Roman Catholics!

I hope that you have paid your Church Tax and  that you are generous to a fault when the collection bag, with the little bell at the bottom, comes around to you at Sunday Mass. Do not drop a miserly coin or two into this begging tool, but make sure it's paper money showing a big amount.
The RCC needs the money. 
The Bishop of this "Bistum" was Mr. Alois Schwarz. 
At his disposal were properties and funds which count into the millions of Euros. 
Alois has now been transferred from Klagenfurt (Carinthia) to St. Pölten ( Lower Austria).
There may well be a number of reasons. 
First, Bishop Alois had, what is referred to as a "close relationship" with a lady, called Andrea Enzinger. Alois promoted Andrea to the Chief of the "Educational House" at an annual salary of €91,000.00 ( Can$136,500) plus an automobile and a lavish apartment. This, one may assume, is only the tip of the iceberg.
All of this was a bit too much for the Catholic Hierarchy and Alois was transferred as mentioned above.
High Ranking Auditors and Business  Controllers left their jobs at mutual agreement. (this is a fancy word for "being fired")
.An Investigator/Controller was charged with the task of digging up the truth and writing a report about the goings-on at the Bistum of Klagenfurt. This report was written and supplied to the Vatican.
A press conference was called to report to the dues paying public what really happened in the offices of  Bishop Alois Schwarz.
This report must have been pretty damaging because... 
and now get this...
The Vatican prohibited its publication.

And if you think that such a thing happened only here and this one time, you have another think coming. If "they" do not molest children, they misappropriate funds in gargantuan amounts.

Do you think
Bertstravels is astonished?
Not at all. Such behaviour is expected.

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