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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Back to Alois and the R.C. Hierarchie!

As I mentioned two entries ago, Investigators found a good deal to criticize in the World of Alois ( Bishop Schwarz) and his lady, Andrea. They spoke so far only of his financial generosity to himself and to Andrea.
They wanted to report to the world at large what they had found and how they might improve the situation. 
However, guess what, The Vatican, lead by Franciscus, said : No bloomin' way are you going public with all the dirt. It has to be kept a secret. Otherwise some people might leave our "Club" and other members would likely be less generous at the "collection"...
So, all of you investigators: Keep your mouths shut and don't even think about a "Press conference".

And now for some kudos for the Carinthian R.C. Church leaders :

They gave a big "rasberry" to Rome and called a Press Conference in spite of  this prohibition.

According to a report in the "Kleine Zeitung",  (19th Dec. 2017) during 2016 Alois and his girl friend Andrea Enzinger spent a total of  €700,000.00 but this increased in 2017 to €1,900,000.00.
There used to be some kind of a check in place which stipulated that Alois would have to consult a panel of advisors, if the expenditures were €100,000.00 or more. 
Now this was a lot of nuisance, which Alois did not particularly like. What to do? That's simple: Alois dissolved this Panel and hired his own man and, additionally, he increased this threshold  from one hundred thousand Euros to a lofty One Million Euros.
(Who needs such a pesky controller looking over your shoulder if all you want to do is spend $100,000 Euros.?)
It is almost a joke  when Alois had the church invest $600,000.00 in a "Wirtschaftsethikinstitute"
That's a long German word which, translated into English, means: (now get this!) 
"Institute for Business Ethics".
But first, wait a moment, Alois spent One Million Euros on the erection of a "Bath house".
I suppose he would need a Million Euro Bath House in order to clean all the dirty business happening under his jurisdiction.
Now, you might justifiably ask: Were there not annual audits in place, as in every other institute dealing with the public's money? Oh yes, there used to be such things.  Alois declared them "unnecessary" and suspended them four years ago.

Andrea Enzinger, ran the Educational House as well as the 64 Hotel rooms connected therewith.
Operating Expenditures under her jurisdiction  more than doubled in 2017 over prior years.

And so it goes from terrible to horrific.
This cannot be publicized! It would cause a loss of trust in our congregation. Oh Yeah? Keeping such a financial and moral quagmire of which many people knew a secret  would not?
 This is so typical of the Roman Catholic Church: The lower echelon molests children and the higher one "misuses" funds. Actually, they both do both; depending on their character and needs.

can just say: "Beware of the false Prophets"

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