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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Leonardo da Vinci and Mona Lisa

Some time ago, during a little get-together, the conversation rolled around the above mentioned artist and his model.
The same old tiresome question was raised and discussed: 
Why is Mona Lisa smiling so enigmatically ?

Quite frankly I am getting tired of such useless debates. Who really cares why she smiles ?
Maybe Leonardo and Lisa had just had some good sex.
She just smiles ! That should be enough.

Another question was raised, wether the person sitting to the right of Jesus in “The Last Supper” was male or female.

Shortly after this little party, which was held bi-lingually ( English and German ) I sat down and wrote the ditties below:

The Painter and his Model:

Smile ! For heaven's sakes
don't always frown.
Your angry looks
they get me down!
Don't laugh, don't grin
just smile a bit !
But also, do not stiffly sit !
You look as if you're in a coma!
So Lenny said to Mona.


And since much of the conversation was held in German, I wrote the next two rhymes:
(English-only speakers must bear with me)

I proposed that maybe Mona had a front tooth missing.

Die Scharte.

Ein kleines Schmunzeln wäre gut.
Ach, ich mal dich lieber ohne Hut.
Zeig nur die Zaehne nicht beim Lachen
Die Lücke könnt' uns Sorge machen.
So sprach Lenny in Verona
Zur Bürgersfrau mit Namen “Mona”

und zu guter Letzt:

Der Maler und das hungrige Model.

Lenny beugt sich über die Palette
und Mona gern ein Sandwich hätte.
“Was ist's mit Dir und Hungerschrei?
Kaum fängt sie an, die Malerei,
und schon verlangst du was zum Essen
und ich hab Wurst und Brot vergessen.
Du must hier sein, Mittwoch nächster Woche,
weil dann, mit vielem Drum und Dran,
das “Letzte Abendmahl” ich koche.

has never claimed to be Shakespeare or Göthe.

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