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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Castle Bernstein

Yes, I know, I have posted these two pictures and more 
from a visit to Bernstein Castle some time ago.
In fact, several years ago.
Roaming around my picture library,
containing literally thousands of images, I came accross these two.
I like them because of their composition, 
and their gentle colours.
So, if repetition bores you, tough on you !

On second thought, I added this third image
 because of its somewhat mysterious  composition.
There is a doorway with the number "3" 
( certainly a number of superstition )
there are steps leading seemingly to no-place.
The walls, made partially of bricks, partially of rough stones of varying sizes, suggest that it was erected hurriedly,.....
.....the enemy approaching !

seems to have a lively imagination

Bernstein Castle during "Walpurgis Night "
changing colour with each stroke of lightening.

When Thunder roars in seemingly never ending waves,
the walls of the castle pale, losing all colour with fright.

and finally the fortress dissolves into its
electronic building blocks
and ultimately disappears from sight.

The Ghosts of Walpurgis Night were victorious
over bricks and mortar.

and Bertstravels 
had fun with his computer.

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