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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Tonc Feinig and Klaus Lippitsch

Two great musicians: 
Tonc on the Piano and Hammond Organ 
Klaus on percussion.
Those two exceptional musicians creat a style of music, all of their own.
You can't call it "Classical", you can't call it "Jazz"
But you sure can call it "Music"!
Beautiful, interesting, challenging new music.
If ever I have regretted not to have a sound channel on this Blog, it surely is now.
So, here they are:

The tall guy is "Tonc" ( pronounced: Tontsch )

Tonc on the Organ and on the Piano 

Klaus is a percussionist in the truest sense of the word.
Above: Klaus rings a cow bell and then slowly
submerges it into a pail of water.
The effect of the changing ring is quite remarkable.

Drums, Cymbals, Bells, Whistles, Rattles, Blocks
and whatever creates a sound, Klaus uses it to create rhythm.

A most enjoyable, challenging evening was created by
Tonc and Klaus.


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