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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Did you say: "Global Warming" ?

So much for my head line of the other day, when I said: "Spring has Sprung"...
So much for the constant warnings about "Global Warming"...
Now there are two scientists in Russia, (don't these things always come from Russia?), who claim that we are heading for a "New Ice Age."
For three days it's been snowing again. We have about 20 to 25 cm of news snow on the ground and I can hardly wait until I will arrive in warmer climes... like Zimbabwe. I understand they have a balmy 25 to 27 degrees over there and I shall be walking around in short-sleeved shirts and barefoot in my sandals.
When I made fun of the "Global Warming" scare this morning, I was told that one harsh winter does not contradict this prognostication. I tell you, however, that had it been a very warm and early spring, those same people would have said: "See, we told you. Global Warming is going to kill us all in the long run. One unusually warm Spring and an early end to Winter would have sufficed to re-enforce their claim.

I could tell you a whole lot of interesting things about Austrian Politics... such as that the former Finance Minister stands accused of having evaded Taxes to the tune of 5.4 Millions of Euros and that he is facing at total bill ( back payment at 3x penalties), of over 16 Million Euros. 

The "zocking" story of Salzburg is quiet right now. I am waiting for the next revelation of shenanigans, pulled by good old Ms Rathgeber. Will they find out WHO forged the letter which allegedly came from ( or in fact did not come from ) the Ministry of Housing ?  but was a "clumsy forgery" ? 
But most importantly: Will they now lower Taxes, because they proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do not need all this money, that they have enough to gamble on the money markets?
Will they use taxpayers funds prudently and carefully, and not engage in high risk gambles with derivatives and similar money products?

Bertstravels will not hold his breath...

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