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Sunday, September 9, 2012

A lazy, lazy afternoon, just this side of Paradise

I'm alone at home.
Yesterday Christin went to Klagenfurt to meet her daughter.
This morning they will drive to Triest. Shel'll come back sometime tomorrow.
So, I'm alone at home. No that's actually not quite true.
I and my dog, named Doggy-dog-dog.. we are alone at home.
As usual, I got up at about 7AM, made me a cup of tea and some toast and jam,
went down to my studio, just to check if I got some e-mail.
Yes, Carsten wrote about a long standing problem with his farm in Canada.
I thought about it for a little while and then wrote an answer, which I hope will be helpful.
Then, for a little while, I worked on a new show which I am producing for a very good artist here in  Carinthia.
At about 10 O'Clock I was outside in our garden and layed down in this deck chair.
Very comfortable
I'm reading Jonathan Franzen's "The Corrections"..
Got to page 75 out of 653. So, I've got quite a way to go. I'm enjoying it sofar.
The sun blazed (and is still blazing) from an absolutely cloudless sky.
It didn't take long before I jumped into our pool. A refreshing 21 degrees.
Just absolutely wonderful.
I was listening then ( and I am still listening ) to Stan Getz, accompanied by Oskar Peterson
and a number of other Jazz Greats.

The arched doorway leads into my studio.
That's where I have everything I need to keep me busy and happy.
There are my books, my CDs my TV and DVD player,
my laptop without which I truly would be lost.
Next week I'm getting a new one.
The one I'm using now every now and then gives me trouble.
Maybe I should get it purged and cleaned up.
Would probably cost a lot less than a new one. (994 Euros)
But I have decided to take the plunge.
That reminds me... I've been in and out of the pool at least 6 to 7 times.
What a life am able to lead. I am truly "one lucky soandso"

This little corner, next to the pool, seats 5 comforably.
We sometimes have an afternoon snack or dinner there.
Breakfast we usually have on the balcony,
from where we can see the Mountain.
The brown picture with the blue scribbling
is a photograph of a painting by one of Austria's best known
contemporary artists, by name of Giselbert Hocke.
(If this were the original it would run around the 250,000 Euro mark.
You can have my photograph for a lot less)

The roses grow in perfusion. You can't really see them too well in this image.
Stan Getz has just finished playing "East of the Sun and West of the Moon"
and launched into "My funny Valentine".
All of this would be simply beautiful, if I were not alone.
Oh well, I will get dressed now (I'm in my bathing suit while I write this)
and take Doggy-dog-dog for a little walk.
Maybe we'll drop into some country Restaurant where they make
simple but great tasting food.

talk to you later

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Lianne said...

This sounds so wonderful, but you seem so sad. Too bad you can't be good enough company for yourself. Whatever will you do if you are left alone for more than one day? Will we have to put you on some sort of "watch"?????

Bert said...

No need to put me "on watch"..
I'm happy, but sometimes I'd like to be back in Canada... even just for a little while.