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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Krampus Run

"Krampus" is the local name for "Devil" or "Satan" or "Beelzebub"  etc.
When I was a child, Krampus, accompanied by St. Nicklaus visited families (on invitation by the parents).  Krampus wanted to know if you were a "good boy" or a good girl throughout the year and 
St. Nicklaus brought nuts and figs or other small presents to the good kids.
This custom has morphed into today's "Krampus Run," where local boys, young men, dress in the most hideous devilish costumes and proceed in a long line up and down the main square, accompanied by truly infernal music.
As every year for the last ten years, I roamed our main street and took come pictures.

I am asking:
How did the devil, who resides in fire and brimstone Hell
remain so neat and white-furred, amid all the smoke and soot?

Now, this is the way I remember him.
Don't give me this rubbish of the white furred creatures.

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