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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Who is ultimately responsible ?

Catholic's Crimes

I wrote about the systemic abuse of over 1000 children by hundreds of Priests and the “playbook” cover-up by the Catholic Hierarchy of these heinous crimes.
Unfortunately in many cases prosecution of these Criminals is difficult, if not impossible, due to the Statute of Limitation.
There is, for example, no such Statute in cases of murder and there must be none for Child abuse.

It is ridiculous that a Catholic Priest, ( age 73 ) who now lives in Boca Raton, Florida and who is accused of sexual child abuse should be allowed to live there, safe from all prosecution under the Law, enjoying retirement, while his victim may suffer for the rest of his life from the Trauma inflicted upon him by this criminal. (This Catholic Priest forced a 9 year old boy to perform oral sex, and then washed out his mouth with holy water.)

Not only must this Statute of Limitations be abolished in cases of Child Abuse, sexual or otherwise, but criminal charges must be laid against the highest members of the Catholic Church.
The Bishop knew or should have known,
The Cardinal knew or should have known,
The Pope knew, or should have known, about the criminal activities of his employees and should therefore be held responsible and charged with complicity to a crime or whatever other charge can be laid against him.( them )

will say more about this in future postings.

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