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Sunday, February 15, 2015

So, what else is new in Austria ?

Winston Churchill is reported to have said this:
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

Some time ago I wrote about the number of Government operated Health Insurance Schemes.
If I remember correctly, there are something like 12 of them. One for each of the Provinces,
one for Civil Servants, one for Farmers and God only knows for what else.
In a small country of about 8 Million inhabitants, ONE Health Insurance Organisation should suffice. Can you imagine the amount of money which could be saved through a combining of all twelve into one ?

In today's Newspaper they tell me that Austria has, believe it or not, 4 different Government operated „Weather Services“.
There is the „Central Office for Metereology“, there is „Austrocontrol“, as well as „Weatherservice of the Armed Forces“ and finally there is „Meteoserve“.
In 1996, fully 19 years ago, the „Rechnungshof“ who functions as the watch dog of Government expenditures suggested that an amalgamation of the four existing into one meterological service would suffice for a small country, the size of Austria, and would save about 23 Million Euros per annum.
However, instead of instigating such efficiency, the staff of the four services has grown since 1996 and an amalgamation would likely save even more tax-euros than projected.
Such a grotesque condition clearly shows the Government's inability and/or unwillingnes to reform.

One of my neighbours, Mr X, whom I met this morning in the coffe shop, when I asked him about this waste of tax-euros, looked at me sadly, shrugged his shoulders and said: „What can you do ? These are all former politicians, or friends of politicians who occupy leadership chairs in those institutes. They will not relinquish their cushy jobs without a fight. Why should they ?“

Mr X is a very intelligent man, who knows full well, that this over population of Civil Servants permeates each and every one of all Government Departments, and that, if a thorough reform would take place, taxes could be lowered substantially. (High end of Taxes at present ranges at about 50%)

Mr X also is a typical Austrian: Friendly, kind, honest,
He also has, in his treasury of sayings two which are typically Austrian:
  1. Do muas was g'schehn ! ( something must be done about this )
    and the seemingly contradictory:
  2. Do kannst nix machen ! ( there is nothing you can do about this )

( Please do not search for the German quoted here in any dictionary, since I've spelled them the way they sound in Carinthia and several other localities.)

If the above quoted waste of tax-euros were the only one, Austria would be in fine financial condition.
Unfortunately, this practice permeates throughout all government levels.

coluld tell you many more such instances of wanton treatment of the tax payers.

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