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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Are things getting better ?

For many years now, it has become known that a great deal of child abuse has been happening and is still happening, perpetrated by Catholic Priests.
It probably started in year One, when "the Keepers of the Flame" were forced to "officially" be celibate. So, I assume that it went on in Pre-Christian times. The Greeks probably indulged in it, as did the Romans. It was, however, well hidden, and never talked about, since those committing this heinous crime were usually in power, legally as well as spiritually.
It was only fairly recently that it came to the light of day, when victims dared to speak out and tell the world of the criminal conspiracy happening in the Catholic Church.
At first we heard about it in Canada, the USA, Ireland, Austria, and many other countries where Roman Catholicism reigns the roost.
When it became rampant in Germany, the then Pope, Benedict XVI issued an "Apostolic Letter" with the instructions that issues of child abuse were not to be reported to the local Authorities, but were to be dealt with inside the institution, privately, subject to "pontifical secret."

Isn't this just dandy! You rape little kids and we make sure you don't go to jail, where you belong, but you get your knuckles rapped and then transferred to another Parish.

Now we hear the News ( Kleine Zeitung, 20th November ) that in the Spanish Province of Granada several Catholic Priests are said to have misused children over many years. Even the local Bishop, who followed the Pope's instructions for an explanation only hesitatingly ( I wonder why) is under fire.
One of the victims, now 24 years of age, had written a letter to the Pope asking for help.
The Pope personally telephoned this young man and asked, in the name of the Catholic Church, for forgiveness,  and that's the new twist, he urged the man to lay charges with the Police.

Quite a positive change from:
"investigation, subject to pontifical secret"
to: the urging to  "Call the Cops".

Anyone convicted of the crime of child abuse and those convicted of a Cover Up (pontifical secret)
should be sent to jail in accordance with the laws of the country.

So thinks



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