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Saturday, March 22, 2014

What am I ???

I think I must straighten out some misunderstandings : There are some of my faithful viewers who think that, just because I write about Religion, sometimes, or show religious images, such as the recent Fasting Cloths, I must be a religious man. Maybe even a Catholic ! Or, at the very least, that I must be "searching"....

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Let me state it right off the bat:

I am an Agnostic. 

I have probably always been an Agnostic, but did not know it, could not put a name to it.
I am not a Theist, nor a Deist, nor an Atheist. I am an Agnostic.

Does anybody care ? Probably not !
As a Theist I would believe in a "caring God"
As a Deist I would believe in a Creator, who does not care.
As an Atheist I would believe that there is No God.

But believing that there is a God, or believing that there is no God requires the same amount of Faith.
And Faith means to accept someone's statement in the complete absence of any credible evidence.
I have no Evidence that there is a God. I also have no Evidence that there is No God.
Therefore I can be neither, a Theist or an Atheist.

Therefore, the only handle that fits me is that of the Agnostic.

Please do not confuse being a Theist with being a Christian or  even a Catholic. One just has to study Christianity and its subsidiary, Catholicism, to recognize the untold number of contradictions, in both the Old and the New Testament. These books, along with the Koran and all the other religious works, were written by men, and therefore open to unbelievable bias and stunning contradictions.

So, when you see certain religious edifices or read some religious sounding remarks in this Blog, please  do not come to hasty and erroneous conclusions.



Lianne said...

Some would say the evidence is all around you - what are you looking for? What would convince you one way or the other? An Atheist does not believe in God because he believes in science and all the science can prove and continues to discover every day. Everything around you is a wonder, not of an entity but of the universe. Which of course makes you wonder how the universe began. If you consider the vastness of the universe and the possibility of the multiverse, you have to also consider that if an entity is the architect, than it is so far removed from the day to day goings on of the individual human that it is organized religion that must be rejected not the idea of a creator.

Unknown said...

I came to the conclusion when I was a very young teenager that the question of whether or not there is a God is virtually irrelevant. The only relevant question to our existence and purpose is " if there is a creator or God of the universe,which set everything in motion ,what credible evidence is there that this creator (force) is remotely concerned about an individual human's existence any more so than the existence of plants and animals and everything else in the universe." I don't know the answer to this question and like you Bert I am an agnostic and I am just fine with that. Life is a mystery.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

All religion is bad. I hate to generalize, but there it is. Any group or organization that asks me to surrender my self determination to the view or views of an imaginary being, thereby leaving me vulnerable to their all to earthly spokesman. In the form of (but not limited to) shaman, pope, imam, rabbi or preacher. To kill, pay, punish or love on command. I say no!

Science may leave me on my own to struggle and define what is moral and what is immoral. The bravest choice is to stand alone and choose fact over fiction.