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Monday, March 24, 2014

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

...or so the old saying goes.
I have no idea if this is true, but, in any event, I shall be absent until the third day of April, 2014.

I shall be in Braunau, Innsbruck, Zurich and Geneva and back.  Driving a total of over 2000 km during a total of 9 days...  A Mini Vacation ... and I am looking forward to it. Let's hope that the weatherman does play along with some clear skies and sunshine.
In Geneva I will visit my grand daughter who is there on a student exchange
So... be patient... I'll be talking to you again soon..

so promises (or threatens)


Unknown said...

Have a wonderful vacation

Bert said...

thanks John..
it'll be a "Minivacation"
The big one (to Canada) comes in July.