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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weather Report

Are we lucky ?
Yes, so far, we are very lucky. We had about 5 to 10cm of snow here in Lower Carinthia.
In Upper Carinthia and in the East Tirol they were absolutely inundated by the stuff.
Within 24 hours everything was covered by 1.5 meters .... and another meter is predicted.
Entire valleys with all the towns and villages were cut off from the rest of the world.
Trains had to be cancelled, buses could not even leave their garages... to take a car onto the roads would have been insanity of the highest order... had it not been impossible in any event.
In one town, 35 houses had to be evacuated due to the danger of avalanches.
Will we remain thus privileged, or will this snowfall catch up with us ? 
Guess who does not care if he ever sees snow again ?

Bertstravels !

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