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Thursday, December 5, 2013

PERCHTEN LAUFEN on the 6th December

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Lianne said...

It's like dressing up on halloween only everyone is trying to be the same thing - do they still chase the girls?

Bert said...

I must tell you something:
Recently I was in company of a number of locals, nice people all, and the conversation came about Halloween, which is becoming popular here too. Several present bemoaned "this silly American custom making inroads here."
I asked them to examine their own customs before they call other customs "silly"...
No kid has ever been frightened and traumatised because another kid, dressed as a pirate or a cowboy came "trick or treating" to the door. But half grown men dressing up as a devil and being permitted to hit girls with a switch not only would frighten the hell out of a young kid, but also gives the perpetrator the feeling that it is Okay to hit a woman. So now, please tell me: Which is the silly custom?"