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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Good Old T.O.

After the tranquility of Algonquin Park, where you might hear a Blue Jay screech, or where the eerie call of a loon, seeking its mate, might waken you in the morning, or where the rustle of the wind in the drying red or golden leaves of autumn might just touch your awareness, there comes Toronto.
At present, Toronto is one gigantic construction site with new sky-scrapers rising out of the ground almost like mushrooms in the shadow of a protecting fir tree.
Toronto is more "hustle and bustle" than I remember it from the relatively short span of barely five years. The noise of the jack hammers, breaking up concrete, the howling motors of a dozen dump trucks is a never ending, seemingly never abating attack on not only your ears but on your entire being.
And yet I love this City.
I love this City maybe because of the vibrancy of its existence, maybe because of the bold stance it takes looking with challenge into the future.
Who will occupy all the new office space? Who will buy or rent all the new Condos?
We've said this with a frown years ago. We are still asking the same questions.
Don't worry, I say. Toronto will pull it off. Sure there will be ups and downs, there will be vacancy factors to choke the proverbial horse, there will be hard pressed builders....
but when all is said and done, I believe that "Toronto will pull it off." This, in any event is the considered opinion (call it a gut feeling) of


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