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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Well, I'm back in Blogspot land and what a heap of things I will be able to tell and show you. The following entries may not be in chronological order, but more in order of impact.

The trip lasted from 17th September to 20th October and, quite frankly, there was not a dull moment to be found in those 34 days.
Would you like a weather report ?
There was a light drizzle when we arrived in Toronto, it rained one day in Vancouver and it rained a little (not enough to use an umbrella) on the very last day of our journey. That, if ma math is correct, leaves 31 days of glorious sunshine from the bluest of blue skies. Sure, there were some puffy white clouds, now and then, and I seem to remember one or two partially overcast, slightly overcast, days.
That much for the weather report: Sunshine, Sunshine and then some more of the same stuff.

Let me show you some pictures of the main reasons for my annual pilgrimage to this beautiful country I call "Home".

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