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Friday, August 30, 2013

Power!!! That's what it is all about: Power!!!

Jason B wrote an insightful comment on the Blog "How is this again"...
I cannot agree more with him: Religion, as it is practised, certainly under the guise of Christianity is indeed "all about power." 
The very idea of "original sin", the absolute vilification of sex, (the second strongest drive of mankind).....
it all is designed to make everyone feel "guilty" and "unworthy"...  Nobody is easier to control than he who feels guilty and unworthy. The Pomp and Circumstance with which all practices, particularly in the Roman Catholic church are conducted, are surely meant to impress and frighten the layman and call him to absolute obediance.
Unfortunately, Jason B, neither you nor "Bertstravels" will be able to change one iota on all this sorry mess.

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