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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Did I hit a nerve ?

This is most interesting!
On average, according to the counter,  I receive about 25 to 30 "hits" (visitors) to this Blog per day.  Very few leave a message directly on the Blog, , but several readers contact me via e-mail with some comments. Pro or Con...
This last entry about "Epicurus" must have hit a bit of a nerve. 
On the first  day  I received 8 emails commenting on the opinions expressed therein.
It is most revealing that 6 of the 8 criticized this Blog, and only two agreed with the statement that one should only accept statements presented as "factual" based on observable evidence or logical deduction. 
Those, who criticized the opinion expressed in the Blog, did so in the old "Bible Thumping" manner, and tried to show me up as wrong, by quoting passages of the Old and New Testament, totally disregarding the fact that not a single line in the Bible is based on "observed fact" nor on "Logical Deduction", but on so-called  hear-say evidence, which is no evidence at all..
In deed, as even Believers agree, the passages of the New Testament were written many years, some even hundreds of years after Jesus Christ's supposed life on earth.

I am really not attempting to change anybody's mind about this issue and ask only to "use your head" when making pronouncements concerning the two statements: 
1:) There is a God !
2.) There is no God !
I suggest that neither can be proven by (here we go again) "Observable Fact" or "Logical Deduction"...

How did I get into this ? All I did was read about Epicurus, a Greek Philosopher who lived about 350 years before Christ. and about 2350 years before 


Christiane said...

so the summery is You want to tell us that you are a philosopher

Bert said...

depending on your definition, anybody who thinks is a Philosopher...

Christiane said...
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Christiane said...

No not just the possibility to think
A philosopher tries to find pro and contra about the essential human Questions.
He will never say that his arguments are the final Solutions
about some of the big Questions about human beeing
It s just his way trying to find an an answer. .
i dont agree to the words
si tacuisses philosophus mansisses
They are only half true

Bert said...

Hallo, Christiane !
May I recommend that you do a little research prior to issuing such statements. None of the Philosophers of history, past or present, would fit your definition.

Christiane said...
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Christiane said...

That s the problem
Nobody fits
So i don t have any philosopher i can follow to every of his Statements
Every human has the gift to think and everyone should try to find his own answers

Than he would find out that nobody knows the final answer
And if any philosopher says that he has the right answer for everybody he is not a philosopher he is a Tyran
I dont admit to a Person who is a Tyran
Everybody has the gift to find an answer for himself and should try by himself
And a person who does I would call a philosopher.
So we both can do philosophie .
But your opinion must not be my opinion too .
So if no philosopher in the past fits to this statement ....No Problem for me
i will try to find my own way