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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

idle chatter

I could go on and on, writing about the wonderful heat wave we are, or at least I am, enjoying here.
The High temperature has reached the mid thirties, in other words, around 34 to 36 degrees. That's plenty hot, of course, but you won't hear me complaining. I've complained enough during the cold and then rainy weather. Our swimming pool gets a real work out. In and Out and In and Out.... then just lie in the sun until dry and into my studio on ground floor. Anyway, God in France could not live any happier or better...

So let me chat a bit about the withdrawal of the Austrian Contingent of the UNO peace keeping forces, employed on the Golan Heights , to keep the Syrians and the Israelis from engaging in border skirmishes, or real battles, or maybe even another war. Together with a number of other countries, they "held the fort".
During the last few weeks or months, things tended to heat up a bit. The fortified encampment of the "blue helmets", as the UN troops are being called, came under fire and these troops, who essentially have only "observer status" sought refuge in their bunkers. They did, after all, not go there to fight battles with either side of this never ending conflict. It is interesting to observe that on several occasions UN forces had to withdraw for protection to the Israeli forces on the other side of this no-man's land, since they were fired upon by Syrians and/or their allies. At no time was it the other way around: At no time did the blue helmets have to seek protection from the Syrians due to attacks by the Israelis. 
It seems to me that this alone should tell us who are the aggressors in this area.

The Austrian Government, always ready for a good cause helping their respective political campaigns, decided to withdraw its contingent from the Golan Heights and bring them back to Austria.
Both parties, forming some sort of coalition, swiftly agreed to such a withdrawal, since it was quite obviously a vote-getting maneuver.
They almost fell all over each other to show the voters how concerned they were regarding the lives and well being of the Country's armed forces. "Bring our brave soldier's home" was the battle cry of the politicians.

In their haste, they did not bother to read the contract signed by the United Nations and The Government of Austria. This document clearly states that each party may terminate this agreement, but must give 3 months notice of their intention to do so. 
Isn't it just a bit embarrassing to have a contract of such importance and not being aware of its conditions ? How many lawyers does the Department of Defence and the Department of External Affairs have on their pay roll ?  I would hate to guess, since the number would probably be staggering. None of these "learned councillors" considered reading this paper before unilaterally saying, "we're out of here" without due notice.

This politically motivated withdrawal has another victim: The soldiers, who, upon returning home will get only single instead of threefold payment.

Now, I grant you, I know nothing about war fare or the art of soldiering.
But I do know contracts and the importance of reading them and knowing their contents, before taking action which is regulated by this document.

You need somebody to teach you about "Contracts"???
Just call

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