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Saturday, February 2, 2013

An Earthquake hits and my dog doesn't know it:

So, I'm just sitting there, in my studio, reading, for the second time,  Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" when all of a sudden the chair I sit in begins to shake. Must be the dog, I think, But no, it can't be the dog... Doggy-dog-dog (yes, that's her name) quietly lies at the other end of my studio, half asleep, as usual, just being a dog, seemingly not worrying about anything except maybe from where her next meal is coming .. But no, she won't even worry about that, since she knows that she gets fed as regularly as clockwork. 
But, I think, my chair shook. Shook noticeably so I could feel it all over my body.
While I am still trying to put two and two together, Christin comes in: "Did you feel this earthquake?" she asks. The upper part of the house, the door to the attic stairs shook a little like doggy-dog-dog shakes when she is wet and wants to get the water out of her fur.
Well, so much for the old story, how animals, particularly dogs, feel an earthquake coming before it's here.  They are rumoured to pace up and down nervously.
This story is either a lot of nonsense, or doggy-dog-dog is not really a dog and just pretends to be one. Come to think of it, she often behaves as if she were  human. When we go out and we tell her that she must stay home to protect the house, she looks sad, disappointed, disgusted at our treachery, pulls her otherwise always wagging tail between her hind legs and slinks off as if to say: "Someday I'll get even with you guys."
Maybe today was one of her "get even days". She probably knew there was an earthquake coming, felt it all over her body, but refused to give us this legendary dog-warning so that we would know that an earthquake was about to hit our house.... But it really makes no difference: All her nervous pacing to and fro would not have told me that there was an earthquake in the offing.. Maybe she knew that and thought: "well there is a quake coming. It'll hit in about 60 seconds and I should nervously pace up and down. But, what's the use. He (that's me) won't recognise the reason for my pacing....   so I might as well lie here quietly, pretending to be asleep."
You just never know what goes on in a dog's fertile mind. So, now I can't even rely on my best friend, doggy-dog-dog anymore.

Bertstravels is sorely disappointed.


Lianne said...

not necessarily, she knew there was nothing to worry about so didn't get excited about it.

Bert said...

you mean that she knew that it would only register at 2.1 on the open ended Richter scale ?

Bert said...

Sorry, I was wrong...
I read in the paper that the quake measured 4.5 on the open ended Richter scale.
My dog should have warned me. I m mad at her and we are at the moment not talking to each other.