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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SUN FLOWERS - as far as the eye can reach -

Just 3 minutes by car from our house
 there are fields of sun flowers,
almost as far as the eye can reach.

First thing in the morning, they turn their heads to the rising sun
and as the sun turns from East to West, they turn their golden
crowned heads along this sun-up to sun-down cycle.

a close-up shows the true beauty of this flower.
If they were rare we'd travel miles to see one.
As it is, we drive past fields and fields of these
beauties and nary give them a glance.
(until I come along)

There is, in deed, always one stubborn,contrary individual in any crowd.
I wonder what makes him so "other" ?
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Lianne said...

Camera shy.

Bert said...

what a smart comment...
could only come from a smart person, or a smart aleck...