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Sunday, July 8, 2012

For Equal Breeding Temperatur

A bit further down in this Blog I posted a picture of a Loon sitting
on her nest. I remembered that I also had an interesting shot of this
same Loon turning its eggs, so that they might be equally exposed to
her body's warmth.
How did I get these rare images?
The Loon builds its nest very close to the shore, since on land it is
a very clumsy bird. The location of its legs, very far at the back of its body
make it a good swimmer and a great diver, but a most clumsy land bird.
One day, as I did often, I just drifted along a lake's shore line to see
what I could see. And there, just around this bend, I see a Loon
 climb with great effort onto land and settle upon its nest.
She obviously saw me, but her need to hatch her eggs
overcame any fear she might have had.
I remained as quiet and motionless as I could and finally,
after about an hour or so, I saw her raise her body from the eggs
just enough, so she could turn them with her beak.
In this very rare image one can just see one of two eggs.
So, not only a beautiful bird, but also a smart bird is
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