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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bert, writing about the Atomic Bomb??? Is he crazy ???

Last Monday, 5th March 2012, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency spoke of  "serious concerns" that Iran "might be hiding secret atomic weapons work."
Yuria Aman  admitted that for the second time this month, Iran had refused the investigating team access to certain installations.
Any decision regarding sanctions to deter Iran from continuing its clandestine efforts to enrich its uranium supplies to reach fissionable standards, which might be arrived at by the IAEA,   must go to the UN Security Council, where Russia and China block all efforts to urge Iran to "actively disprove the substantial doubt about the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear program".
Does the above sound frighteningly "deja vu" ?
Have we not had the same, or similar circumstances not so long ago with Iraq and its then existing leadership?
The UN issuing its suspicions of Iraq's production of "Weapons of Mass Destruction"...
Iraq refusing access to its installations to the inspection team,
UN passing a resolution, permitting "all necessary means" .... and so on and so forth.
I hope that this time around, the UN and the EU will pull their own chestnuts out of the fire and not, like before, when the USA had to do the dirty work.
However, reading the statements issued by the President of the USA, Barak Obama, one might come to the conclusion that if the need arises, the USA will again be in the middle of the fray, since Europe is nothing much more than "talk, talk, talk" and when action is needed, they are nowhere to be seen.


1 comment:

Lianne said...

I noticed the same thing - I thought, hmmm, where have I heard this before? The rest of the world will rely on the US because they always have. The US has to be the one to say - you want me? you gotta put up or shut up. If the US says no I doubt the EU or the UN will just throw up their hands and wave a white flag. They are a lot closer and a lot easier to hit and it will only be when they are directly threatened that they will come to defend themselves.