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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Fratelli Tutti


Fratelli tutti”

(We are) All Brothers.

This is what Pope Franciscus called his latest Encyclical, in which he waxed enthusiastic in his condemnation of the “Free Market System.”

Corona has presented the proof, so he claimed, that “the magical theories of the Free Market Capitalism” do not function.

No, it was not Karl Marx who said that, but Pope Franciscus, who reveals himself more and more as an adherent of the Far Left in the political spectrum.

How he connects 'Covid 19' with the functioning of the Free Market System, he did not explain.

How much do you want to bet that a “Free Market” oriented firm will come up with the Inoculation against this viral disease?

He also did not explain why exactly the countries governed after his Left Wing philosophy are still the poorest of the world.

Please compare, for instance, the living standard of the poverty stricken North Korea, governed by the principles of Stalinesque Communist dictatorship, to that of its southern brother, which happens to be a Free Market Society and, (what a coincidence) counts among the richest of Asiatic countries.

Another example for Franciscus' erroneous thinking is Venezuela, which for the past over 20 years has been governed in accordance with Communist principles, and, in spite of the world's greatest oil reserves, remains one of the poorest countries of its continent.

Francis says not one word about these, or several other examples.

He does not mention the fact that it was Free Enterprise, which lifted

untold countries and untold Millions of people from abject poverty to an honorable life of relative wealth.

By innuendo the Pope likens Free Enterprise to Greed, and personal Egotism, when, in fact, this human weakness appears in all systems.

Maybe, Frances should look at his own house, where money, meant for the poor, was used to speculate in the money markets.

Why is the Vatican Bank, which he calls the “Institute for Christian Services” known the world over as one of the most corrupt financial institutions?

No, dear Franciscus, Free Enterprise is NOT the cause of universal poverty, but, in fact, it is the cause of steady improvement in the economic “Lot of Man.”

Franz Schellhorn, the leader of the Think tank “Agenda Austria”,

in his article in the 'Kleine Zeitung' of 18th October, cites the following statistics:

During the past 20 years Extreme Poverty has been reduced by 67 %

Child Mortality was reduced by 50%.

Analphabetism has been reduced by 24%.

Of this Franciscus makes no mention. Not with a single word.

Why not? Because it would not buttress his Left Wing philosophy, but utterly destroy it.

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