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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Hey, Guys, Get Your Act Together

What an interesting development inside the most ridiculous Organization.

First, the newly appointed Bishop of Carinthia says the abolition of the Celibate would be a good idea, since then the priests would know “what happens in real life” and aging Priests would not feel so alone and abandoned.
The very next day, (he must have had a call from Pope Franciscus), he made a turn-about, speaking out for the Celibate, since, he now suggested, it was, after all, the way Christ chose to live and an unmarried Priest could devote more time to his Flock, since he would not need to worry about his wife and family.
..or words to this effect.

Franciscus seems to vacillate a bit himself. The number of Priests in certain regions of South America appears to be in decline and allowing Priests to be married would certainly help to re-stock this group.

Now comes the former Pope, Benedict XVI, he who resigned his Papacy “for Health Reasons,” who, together with Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea, just wrote a book.             ( doesn't everybody write a book nowadays?) in which it is reported, that he proclaims the validity and necessity of the Celibate.
Since I have not yet read this book, ( and likely never will ) I shall refrain from any additional comment.

News Agencies report, however, that Messers Ratzinger and Sarah in their publication: “From the Depth of Our Hearts” issue warnings for the church not to accept “Bad and Theatrical Involvements, Diabolical Lies and Trendy Errors.
They further suggest, that this constant questioning of the Celibate, is confusing for the Clergy.

Mr. Ratzinger, also formerly known as Pope Benedict XVI might be better off keeping his earlier promise to “remain hidden from the World” spending his remaining days in a Vatican Monastery.

Having read about Mr. Ratzinger's history,
Bertstravels thinks he should do so.

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