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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ein Bauernfest - A Farmers' Festival

It's raining in buckets today. What a relief!
Yesterday evening it looked a little as if it would start raining, but it held off for one more day.
So we stayed dry during the "Farmers' Festival."
On a big meadow, just outside of Bleiburg, tables and benches accommodated 200 to 300 intrepid visitors.
Christin and I among them.
There was food aplenty. Fried Chicken and Potato Salad, Wiener Schnitzel with Mixes Salad, or Chipapchichi (I have no idea how to spell this  So you have to be satisfied with this phonetic spelling job.)
Beer and Most flowed in rivers....  of which we drank only from a little trickling brook.
And, of course there was Music.
The Band had come from bordering  Slovenia.
You have to believe this, because  I will show you pictures.
5 accordions, 2 Guitars, one Horn (for the "umpapa effect") and one other instrument. Can you call it an Instrument? Surely you may call it that. I will also show you a picture and I will describe it, since the picture alone would make no sense.
The Band played Polkas and Quick Waltzes. It was heart pounding, thy-slapping, along-singing
(if you knew the lyrics ... or even if you did not the lyrics) music.
You sang along with your mouth full of fried chicken and with the but of the knife you beat the "umpapa rhythm" on the table.

We had the choice of either driving to Salzburg for the Opening of the Salzburg Festival, mingling with Presidents of Foreign Countries, like Germany, Italy, Hungary etc etc, paying  $5,000 for two tickets, to attend Mozart's Opera "Idomeneo" which deals with Gods, Mankind and the Oceans, staying overnight in the swankest Hotel for $2000.00 per night, (minimum) paying horrendous prices for food and drink, or...
and this was our second choice, driving 10 minutes to the Farmers Festival Meadow, paying 5 Euros per ticket, 10 Euros for one portion of fried chicken, large enough for both of us plus taking some of it home for the cat.
I rather suspect, that the Maitre d' of one of Salzburg's poshest eateries would have frowned at our request for a little plastic box for our cat, which goes under the noble name of "von Kiddy-Cat-Cat" and don't forget the "von".
And then the Music:
Again we had to choose between:
1.) the "Austrian Festival Symphony Orchestra" with its over 30 of the finest musicians Austria has to offer, or
2.) the "Jolly - Molly Polka Band" consisting of ... see above.

Without a moment's thought, we decided to attend the "Farmer's Festival"
I threw myself into the best pair of Blue Jeans and a freshly ironed light blue T-shirt, Christin, of course, as always, impeccably dressed.... in black 3/4 pants and a white blouse embroidered.

The "Hey-rolls" were removed 
before setting up tables and benches.

Member of the Welcoming Committee.

There isn't a Foreign Dignitary among the crowd.

It seems that they like each other.

Observing the "Roasting of the Piglet

 Some of the Visitors

The Band, as described above

... and here is the "instrument" I promised to show and explain to you.
First off: It is a rhythm Instrument.
The head, crowned with the antlers of a young stag is only for mystical decoration.
The Player pounds it on the ground in the called-for rhythm. and the
little "high-hats" give off a tinkling sound.
Below the player's left hand is a "tambourine" which is used as a drum
At the very bottom is, what looks like a frying pan, 
which is to be used with either end of the stick which the player has in his right hand.
From this "frying pan" run three guitar strings to the very top of this "instrument".
Which,  I assume, the player may pluck at his discretion.

Believe me:

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