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Sunday, June 16, 2019

We lost a Great One.

Karlheinz Miklin (3rd Nov.1946 to 15th June 2019)

The day before yesterday one of the all time Greats of Austrian Jazz passed away at the age of 72.
I consider myself lucky to have known him well, almost being able to call him a friend.
Karlheinz played reed instruments. He played an exuberant clarinet, a mysterious Bass Clarinet, a fast-paced Alto Sax and the most lyrical Tenor Sax imaginable.
Of course he played the Tenor in the style of some of the old masters, such as Ben Webster or Coleman Hawkins, but he also played "modern Jazz".
During intermission of one of his "modern" concerts, I spoke to him. Always being a bit on the bold side, I told him that I admired his dexterity with which he knotted note on note, but that it was impossible for me to recognize any cohesive melody, and, on my way home I could not whistle nor hum any part of the music he had played. 
I longed, I said, for a slow, gentle ballad, which I might remember. His indulgent smile seemed to suggest that at age 85 I wallowed in musical times gone by.
The second part of the concert continued much in the vein of the first.
A frantic Bass and skillful Drum work kept up with his Alto Sax in weaving unrecognizable, and yet fascinating pieces of music. 
Then his announcement came: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I shall, as our last number, play a piece of music for my friend,  Bert, so that he may, on his way home, hum the melody."
He then played, to absolutely thundering applause, 
"In a sentimental Mood"...
How did he know that this was one of my favorite slow numbers?
I shall always remember Karlheinz as a great musician and as a great friend.
It would be nice, if there was a "Hereafter", so that Karlheinz could jam with Stan Getz, Coleman Hawkins and Ben Webster, or, in fact with anybody he selected.

I will now go and play one of his fascinating CDs: 
"Karlheinz Miklin, Looking Back" 
which happens to contain "In a Sentimental Mood"
The music world is a great deal poorer for having lost this fabulous reed player.

feels like crying.

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