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Sunday, April 21, 2019

I still don't get it !

I read the Newspapers. 
One of them thoroughly , the other one I skim.
Both wrote about Easter, the death of Jesus Christ and the subsequent Resurrection.
The utter nonsence which is written about this is simply staggering.
Or maybe I just don't understand it and I truly wish somebody would explain it to me:
Here  it goes:
God ( that's God The Father)  was so angry with the sinful world, that he sent "his only begotten Son"
Jesus, ( that's God the Son), so that his death (it was a gruesome cruzifixion ) would assuage God's anger and He would forgive the sins of Mankind.
Now, I have written about this once or twice before: Each time I asked for an explanation. I never got one. I only got accusations that I was a "heathen" and that my questions would surely lead to my personal disaster.
So please write to me and tell me: Why did the killing of His Son lead to His forgiveness of the world's sins?
It seems to me that "the world" just added another heinous sin to its collection of evil deeds.
This should have made God just a little angrier. 
But why? Both Gods, the Father and the Son, being all-knowing, all-wise, knew what would happen.
They knew in which direction the "free will" with which mankind is endowed would take this story.
They knew that God the Son would be killed:
( "No-one can take my life, but I lay it down myself" )
They knew that God the Son would rise from the dead within a very short time, 
They knew that God the Son would sit beside his father in Heaven also within days.
So was it such a big deal?
Surely, and I've said this before: God could have said to mankind:

"You guys and dolls are such a sad, sinful lot, that I just can't take it anymore. I will send you my Son, he will teach you right from wrong, which you seem to have forgotten, and if you follow His teachings, you will live forever. A little while on this earth and then forever with me in heaven."

Wouldn't this have been a lot easier, more civilized?
Instead, the Father sends His Son, so that his, the Son's, gruesome death may redeem a sinnful world.
"Please, kill my son and I will forgive all your sins"
What is it I just don't get?
And please don't tell me that I should talk to a Theologist. I am not very interested in Gobbledegook.

There is another issue which troubles my mind:
A famous Cathedral burnt in Paris: The hue and cry about this loss is simply staggering. 
Pages upon pages upon pages were and still are being written about this loss. 
Over One Billion Euros have already been pledged for the rebuilding of this edifice.
On the same day, 29 human beings were killed in a bus accident. A very short, maybe 4 inches long
entry in the papers and a quick mention on the TV News.
Well, I suppose there is only "One Notre Dame de Paris" but there are over 8 Billion human beings.
Maybe that's the reason why so much money is being collected and so much printer's ink used for one and none for the other.

Bertstravels says:
That's enough belly-aching for today.

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