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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Independence Day Festival in Chivhu

After having visited the "Great Zimbabwe" or as they are also known, the "Zimbabwe Ruins" and on our way back to Harare, we drove through the town of Chivhu and found the town completely devoid of people. We found everybody around and in the Soccer Stadium, where Independence Day was being  celebrated. So, we turned off the highway and went to the Stadium. Many Citizens of Chivhu were milling around outside. Fortunately I had brought a Polaroid Camera and plenty of film packages with me and I started to take some pictures and handed them to the persons I had just photographed. It was my good luck, that one of them was the mayor of Chivhu, whose shot had turned out particularly well. At his request I took pictures of the town council, as well as of the mayor and his family. We where invited to participate in the celebrations and, in fact, were asked to sit at the Council's table. Gladys did so, but I asked permission to roam and take some pix, this time with my own Nikon.
One of the larger family groups invited us to partake of their celebratory dinner. There was some spicy soup and what seemed to be a vegetable and meat stew.
We were honoured and ate some of each.

 Just a small part of the crowd assembled in the Stadium.

This group asked us "to dinner"
We accepted, although we had no idea what awaited us.
Gladys remarked: "they all look healthy and well. 
Their food must be okay."
So, we ate! Tasted great.

 Entertainment was provided by an energetic group of young girls
who danced to the rhythms of two drummers.

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