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Thursday, June 29, 2017

smart, smarter, smartest

There were those three friends, way beyond 85 years of age who went to a doctor to have a good examination:
The doctor asked the first one: "How much is three times three? 
The first man said: 285.
The doctor could not figure out how this man arrived at this peculiar answer,
so he asked the second chap: How much is three times three?
The answer came without hesitation: "Monday".
In desperation the doctor asked the third man: "How much is three times three?"
The man suggested that this was really a question much too simple for a man of his intelligence and education: The answer , of course, is "Nine".
The doctor was relieved that at least one of them knew the right answer and asked,
"How did you figure this out?"
The third man said: "Simple! I just deducted 285 from Monday."

thinks that this is very funny.
More pictures of ZimZam 2017 will be posted tomorrow.

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