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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Typical Africa - some -

Just a very few of Africa's denicens:

One of Africa's smallest Antelopes, the agile "Clipspringer"

The fastest animal on four legs: The Cheetah, guards his/her kill, a young Impala.

Hippos  leave the water only reluctantly during the day.

It prefers to stay submerged, 
even if an African Jakana or Lilly-trotter dances on its head.

Two Oxpeckers look for insects on the Kudu's flank.

"Impala ?" said one of my early guides, 
"they are the flowers of our country!"

Why did Nature paint a white target on the "Waterbuck's" behind ?

An efficient hunter, Africa's "Painted Dog" mostly moves in packs.

This black maned Lion is the undisputed king of the Kalahari.

A young Elephant on the shore of Lake Kariba.

"Cape Buffalo" eye us with curiousity, as we eye them.

Threatened by extinction, 
a "Black Rhino" checks out a Termite mount.

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