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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Two strange tales

The Upside-down tree and Adam and Eve

I thought about the „ungrateful tree“ , the Baobab, and God's angry reaction to this lack of gratitude. Remember ? God had completed his best effort in the creation of trees, but nothing was good enough for this tree. He wanted more and more. So God became so mad, that he uprooted the tree from its natural position and jammed it back into the ground, root up...

Is it very far fetched to find a comparison in the Old Testament story, which tells of God having created his best piece, Man?
When Man wanted more and more, and disobeyed this „do not eat the fruit of this tree“ instruction, God also got so angry, that he punished the first human couple of his creation and, while he did not put them head first into the ground, he, nevertheless, punished them with banishment from what was originally meant to be their natural habitat.

If I can believe the second of the above stories, why should I not also believe the first ?


believes everything !

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