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Friday, April 18, 2014

My Easter Sermon

Today every news paper carries essays of this kind, written by so-called theologians and/or alleged philosophers. It is, after all, Easter Week  and any self respecting member of the above listed, feels the need to talk about Jesus and the Crucifix.
The tenor of it all can be summed up in this:
He allowed himself to be crucified and with this act, the sins of mankind were forgiven.
Please somebody, explain to me the correlation of these two happenings:
The Torture and finally the Murder of a Man brings about the Absolution for mankind of all of its sins:
Does this make any sense to you ? 
The committing of a Sin ( and surely Murder is one of the most abominable sins ) brings about the forgiveness of mankind's sins.

It seems to me that cause and effect are simple laws of nature: When I cut myself, I bleed. When I fall out of a tree, I may break a bone in my body. When I act, there is a reaction. 
So, again I ask you: Where is the connection ? When I kill Jesus after having tortured him beyond human endurance, I absolve mankind of its transgressions!!!
How does this work ?
God, the Father, sacrificed the Life of God the Son, ( who along with the Holy Ghost are one and the same God)..
So God allowed himself to be tortured and murdered so that he, God, could forgive our sins ?
Could he not have forgiven our sins without this spectacle ? He, the Almighty, had to reach into a bag of tricks, to achieve Forgiveness for his creation's masterpiece, Mankind ? Surely he could have simply decided to forgive. And that would have been that. 
No crown of thorns, No torture. No need to carry a heavy Cross up the hill to the place of execution, No Calvary or Golgotha, ... 
Simply God's announcement:  I FORGIVE !
(An announcement he could have made quietly, just to himself, no trumpets nor cymbals needed. Because, in any event, Mankind did in no way change its behaviour, but merrily carried on "sinning")
Instead of this we read in the Bible: "God put into effect a plan to save us. He destroyed sin's control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins." (Romans 8:3) or this: "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son" ( John 3:16).
Once more: "God made a plan to save us! To save us from what ? To save us from Hellfire ?
He, the Almighty, surely could have done that without resorting to this cruel and gruesome trick.
His assurance: "I FORGIVE" could have been followed by a warning: "Listen here fellows, that's your last chance ! Next time I'll send a flood and drown the lot of you. I've done it before and I'll do it again. So, smarten up"
But."No"! He, the "All Merciful" had his son tortured and killed instead.

So, once more, I must ask you: Where is the correlation between the death of a man, (or of a God) and the forgiveness of man's sins ? How does one follow the other ?
It does not ! It is blatant nonsense.

There is a little side consideration to give to the whole idea of Easter. 
Since Jesus, three days after his "death", reappeared, seemingly no worse for wear, he did not really "Die"... To "die" means to "cease to exist"
And in no way could it be claimed that Jesus no longer existed after his crucifixion and death.Some of his followers saw him three days later in his body, wounds included,  and, according to Acts 1:3,9, fourty days later, he sat to the right hand of God, the father. (Mark 14:62 and 16:19 )
Surely, no, certainly, both He and God Father, knew about this, since they are "All Knowing".
So, what is this all about ?
What is it Christians are celebrating today, tomorrow and the next day?

would really like to know.


Unknown said...

Bert I tried about 5 times to send a comment without success . I will see if this comment goes through

Bert said...

yes, John, it went through...

Christiane said...
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Christiane said...
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Christiane said...

You can celebrate that Jesus has risen and if you belive in it you may rise too Like in the cantical of the sun
Secon death will do not any harm on us
we have the chanche that our sins will be forgiven if we belive in him
And.......Do not make sins again
It doesn t work to say ok i can kill force ect because god forgives
He would not send a big flood
Because he is not a god of punishment
You may say there are natural catastrophies
Yes but most of them are human made or influenced by humans
God gave us our own will and we can choose if we belive in easter or not

Christiane said...

no amal schreib i s net
is zu kompliziert am Handy
if there are still spelling mistakes
Please excuse them

Bert said...

none of this takes the slightest position to what I've said in the original blog entry.
I suggest you read a bit in the Old Testament and then tell me that he is not a God of punishment.
And even in the New Testament the talk is always about suffering the fires of hell if you do not believe in him and are not "reborne"....
He is truly nothing but a socalled God of Punishment.
In fact he has committed such atrocities, that if he did the same today, he would be charged in the International court of Justice with Crimes against Humanity.

Christiane said...

I was sure that you will mention the Old Testament
That s the differance between before christ and after christ
And who wrote it Humans....

Christiane said...

If someone doesn t belive in rebirth
Why should he be afraid of hell
The New testament simply offers you a possibility how to spent your live
Jesus doesn t call it hell like the church did it centuries later
The new testament offers you a chanche
At last every one can be near god when he remains optains Dont know the word
Children now don't learn about a god of punishment and frighteness
Should be like this....
And on Easter you curently dont celebrate a god of punishment
He didn t kill his son
But he sent his son as a human and he was killed by humans and died like a human
And the internationial court and the human rights are based on christian rules