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Friday, January 27, 2012


...are truly a sad lot. Last night they had one of  their debates in Jacksonville, Florida:
It seems to me that of the four contestants, only two, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are true contenders.
During this debate, Gingrich suggested that were he elected to the Presidency of the USA, he would build a permanent Moon base as part of a stable commercial industry of Space Exploration which would lead to a space activity boom. similar to the aviation boom in the 1930s. Furthermore he would  develop Mars-research.
Of course, he said several other things, but this one made an impression on me:
I do not think that a country, struggling to get back on its economic feet, having lost its triple a rating, and recovering from some exceedingly expensive wars, and generally finding itself in dire financial straights, needs to spend hundreds of billions, maybe trillions of Dollars to build a Moon station and to explore Mars.
I, were I a voter in the USA, would not touch with a ten foot pole any candidate who proposes such a cockamamie idea at this time.
Both, Newt and Mitt, obviously played to the expatriate Cubans living in Florida in great numbers.
When asked by the Moderator, Wolf Blitzer, if he could see America getting involved in some military way in Cuba, Newt answered that "if there were a legitimate uprising we would of course be on the side of the people."
Mitt also suggested that he would "give no presents to Castro", and that he would punish any American company doing business in Cuba...
There had apparently been some discussion as to the final destination of Mr. Castro in the event of his death.
Romney allowed that he would be grateful that Castro was called back to his Maker, and Gingrich countered that he thought Castro would more likely end up in the other place.
Imagine something like this: Two men, both of whom would like to become the President of the United States, have nothing better to discuss than heaven or hell for Fidel Castro.
The only clever reply to the question of " What would you say if Raul Castro were to telephone you," came from Ron Paul: "I would ask him what he is calling about."
Then the candidates were given an opportunity to praise their wives, each of whom would, of course, make a wonderful First Lady of the USA.
What a stupid question to put to these four men. Did Blitzer really think that one or more of them would say something like: "Well, my wife would make a terrible First Lady. She is Dumb and Ugly...."
Immigration was a topic of discussion during which some heated exchanges took place, when Gingrich accused Romney of being "anti-immigration"...
Talk about pandering to the large Cuban-American population living in Florida

This 19th Debate makes me happy that I did not hear the preceding 18. I truly fear for the future of our neighbor to the South if either of these men should become their President.

The most accurate and sage comment in respect of this discussion actually came from Fidel Castro:
"The Republican contest for the Presidency of the United States of America is the "biggest contest in Stupidity and Ignorance I have ever heard."

Everybody who knows me is aware that I am no lover of Castro (Fidel and/or Raul) or the type of dictatorial government they run. Everybody who knows me also knows that, philosophically,  I am somewhere in the middle between the Democrats and the Republicans. Both parties have given the USA some very good Presidents.
But having heard the level of discussions from those members of the GOP, makes me fervently hope that Barack Obama will be elected to a second term.

Too bad that "Bertstravels" has no say in this affair.

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