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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Yesterday it was Canada's turn to cheer its hero, Erik Guay, today Austria stands atop the highest pedestal. The ladies' downhill was no less exciting than yesterday's men's downhill.
It is truly unbelievable how these lovely young women bravely hurl themselves down the steep "Piste", fighting each turn, bodies hunched over in the classical "egg-style", ski poles securely tucked under their arms, goggles hiding half of their faces. Facial muscels, as much as can be seen, determined and, in some of those racers, blond hair streaming from under the helmet.
What a picture !! and in the right hand lower corner of the Television screen, the seconds, nay the hundreths of seconds, ticking by, telling in advance of the triumph or the disappointment to be felt by the young racer and her many fans.
The Austrian ace, Elisabeth Goergl, (Gold) mastered this difficult course in 1 minute and 47.24 seconds, closely followed (0.44 seconds) by the American beauty, Lindsay Vonn (Silver) and then the German hope, Maria Riesch (Bronze)(0.60).
This was, indeed, an exhibition of beauty, bravery, style, speed and everything that's good about this sport.
So, during the Medal Ceremony, Austrias "Red White Red", was centered by the "Stars and Stripes" and the "Black, Red, Gold"...
Unfortunately the "Maple Leaf" was nowhere to be seen today. (Just wait till next time)
Greetings from Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany.

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