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Friday, December 18, 2015

Who's hard of hearing ?

A man tells his doctor that he is afraid his wife is losing her hearing.
The doctor suggests a simple home remedy. When you come home, stand behind her and ask a simple question: First from a distance of 20 feet, then from 10 feet and then from right behind her.
The man comes home and sees his wife standing there, facing the stove.
He right away asks: "What's for dinner, darling ?" 
No answer.
The man advances to about 10 feet and repeats the question: "What's for dinner, darling "?
Still no answer.
Finally standing right behind her, he raises his voice a little and asks: "What's for dinner, darling"?
His wife turns around and says: "For the third time - chicken."

This could be
Bertstravels !

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