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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mona Lisa

A little while ago we had a conversation about the origin, or better, the reason for the creation of some of the major works of art. Inevitably the question of Mona Lisa's smile came up.
I think that any consideration of Mona Lisa's smile, (or is it a smirk?)  is a silly mental excersice in futility.
After all, I mean, who cares ? There she is and she smiles. Why should she frown ? It's not a terrible thing that's happening to her. She sits still for a few hours and gets her portait painted, and gets told by the artist, who isn't exactly an unknown amateur painter either, that she is absolutely beautiful and that her beauty is beyond compare.... and ladidadida...
He's Leonardo da Vinci, who even at the time of this painting was a famous artist, and I am sure was promised a big fat fee from Mona's husband, a rich merchant in Verona.

Anyway, this conversation urged me to write two or three little didis, which I want to let you read also.

The painter and the Model

Smile, for heaven's sake
don't always frown,
your angry looks
they get me down!
Don't laugh, don't grin
just smile a bit !
But also, do not stiffly sit!
You look as if you're in a Coma
So Lenny, said to Mona.

Der Maler und das hungrige Model

Lenny beugt sich über die Palette
und Mona gern ein Sandwich hätte.
Was ist's mit Dir und Hungerschrei ?
Kaum fängt sie an, die Malerei,
und schon verlangst Du was zum Essen
und ich hab Wurst und Brot vergessen.
Du musst hier sein, Mittwoch nächster Woche
weil dann, mit vielem Drum und Dran
Das „Letzte Abendmahl“ ich koche.

Die Scharte

Ein kleines Schmunzeln waere gut.
Ah, ich mal dich lieber ohne Hut!
Zeig nur die Zaehne nicht beim Lachen.
Die Lücke könnt uns Sorgen machen.
So sprach Lenny in Verona
zur Bürgersfrau mit Namen „Mona“

I am sorry, but the best are both written in German and therefore probably not understandable by my English speaking followers.
Particularly the last of the three, called "The Gap" explains the reason for her enigmatic smile.
She had one of her front teeth missing.
So now you know the secret.
Leonardo da Vinci was not a competent dentist.

so surmises


Lianne said...

No worries! I laughed out loud at the english one - if the german ones are even better I'm sorry I am not multilingual - well done dad!

Bert said...

Thanks for the compliment.
maybe I will translate the German ones into English. I am sure to do a better job than the Google translating program.