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Thursday, August 6, 2020

Loving? Forgiving? Merciful?

To a God well known.

If the God of the Old Testament were charged with the deeds ascribed to him, in front of an International Court of Justice today, it would not be difficult to convict him of the most heinous of crimes:

It can easily be argued, without fear of reasonable contradiction, that this God is the most unpleasant being, with whom one would rather not have any connection whatever.

In His effort to free the People of Israel from Egyptian bondage, He proves to be an unjust, vengeful control freak, who, when he says:

Let my people go, so that they may worship me,” reveals that firstly he does not consider Egyptians as a part of His Creation, but somehow inferior to the Israelites, maybe created by a “Competitor God” and that, secondly, he has such a low level of self-esteem that he needs the admiration of “His People.”

His sending of the the first nine of the ten plagues is an almost infantile threat. At one point, however, the Pharaoh seemed to relent and, so the Bible (OT) tells us, “God hardened his (the Pharaoh's) heart” so that the Pharaoh rescinded this offer. Nowhere in the O.T. may you find a reason for this 'heart-hardening' and one is left with the suspicion that God simply wanted to dig some more into his bag of dirty tricks.

The various explanations, with which Catholic Theologians come up are,

at best, laughable.

Finally he came up with this whopper:

If you don't free my people from bondage, if you do not let them go, so they may praise and worship me, I will kill every First Born in the land.

The First Born of the Pharaoh, the First Born of the lowest hand maiden, even of the cattle of the land. But! And this is an interesting “but” if you put a sign with the blood of a lamb over the entrance of your home, so that I may know that you, my chosen people, live there, I will not kill the First Born therein.

You mean to tell me that the “all-knowing God” did not know who lived in each house, that he actually needed a sign to tell him?

Apparently without waiting for the result of such a threat, God, or as is stated in some places, God's Angel of Death, commenced the slaughter.

I am certain there was a house, occupied by a good, faithful woman and her diligent, honest, loving husband. They had never heard of the God of the Israelites, They just, day before yesterday, had a lovely baby boy. Their first child. Happiness was throughout the house, emanating from their hearts and spilling over to their First Born.

Then came “God” and killed the kid.

This God was either the most brutal, ignorant, unjust son of a bitch, or the entire story was thought up by a bunch of old gaffers while drooling over the fifth cup of Met.

Through Joshua he ordered the slaughter of thousands of Men, most Women and Children, of the tribes of Canaan, mostly because they worshiped many different Gods. His promise was, that the Israelites may keep all bounty and that they also might keep the women for their pleasure.

I don't even want to comment about this.

Isn't this what most ancient and not so ancient cultures did?

Started a war, kept everything they could use, destroyed everything else, occupied the land of the conquered, raped the women and kept them as slaves.

And that, believe it or not, is what God told them to do.

Here is another lulu which fits beautifully into this nonsense:

The citizens of Sodom were a bad lot, at least some of them.

Lot ( no pun intended) and his family were, however, good guys.

Therefore, God sent two Angels to Sodom warning Lot of the total destruction of his City because its inhabitants were “wicked”.

Lot and his family were on their way out, when Lot's wife, contrary to instructions, turned around to see fire and brimstone devastating her home town.

This was, after all, her town. She probably had friends and relations there and she turned around for one last glance.

Bingo! She got turned into a pillar of Salt. Was this really necessary?

What did God get out of this? Did he really need some more Salt?

Come to think of it! Was Lot truly such a great guy?

When some men of Sodom came to his house and demanded that Lot hand over the two Angels for fornication, (so we may get to know them) Lot instead offered the men his daughters for this purpose.

Some Father he was.

The entire thing is such blatant nonsense, that again I suspect some old drooling guys having thought everything up.

and another time:

God was so dissatisfied with the behavior of the people on Earth, that He decided to drown them all, except for Noah and his family and two of each kind of animals.

Come now! You mean to tell me that except for Noah and his immediate family, everybody on earth was so evil, that God, the Creator of this wicket bunch, decided to kill them all by drowning?

He must have been a rank amateur in the Creation Business to have failed so miserably.

There are unnumbered stories in the Bible, O.T. & N.T. which are so utterly ridiculous, illogical and contradictory, as to defy the “believability threshold”...

The explanations given by so-called Theologians are such gobbledygook, as to be in most cases even more unbelievable than the stories they try to “explain”.

Now, please do not forget this:

This loving, merciful, just, omniscient, omnipresent God went on a killing rampage, on the slightest provocation, of which even Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot could have been envious. He was clearly a racist, vengeful killer, the likes of which the world has not seen since.

He was (likely still is) an insecure Narcissist of the purest water: “Let my People go, so that they may praise and worship me.”

This narcissistic, conceited, vengeful, destroying figure, who in this described form most probably never existed, roams the minds of millions of believers, sewing his disastrous message left, right and center without a thought of the damage done to so many men, women and children, unfortunate enough to have heard or read about him.


could go on and on, but wont.

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