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Thursday, June 18, 2020

A window is not only to look out of.

The English word  “Window” has its origin, so the Cambridge Dictionary tells me, in the Old Norse, where it was a “Windauga,” an “eye for the wind.”
Cambridge continues: “It is a space, usually filled with Glass to allow (….....) people inside the building to see out.
Well, They are only half right with this definition, since a Window also allows people to see “in”.
May I present to you, Windows along the Kärntner Straße in Vienna, for example, where you are definitely invited to “see in.”

There is also the window in a church, which is meant to allow only light into the inside and which is almost always used to carry decorative motives.

Stained-Glass Windows  
provide space for decorative motives

And finally, there are windows, 
which invite small boys to throw stones at .

Windows in an abandoned building!
They won't last long.
Small boys will come

Small Boys have come!

A modern "Artist" has found a title:
"Person with long tongue and umbrella."

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