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Thursday, July 21, 2016

The "Ueberflieger"

From the elevated subway, a wide staircase swings down to the Europa square which spreads in front of the Hotel. I have another 30 minutes before the airport-bus will come.
It is another hot hot day in Vienna and I seek refuge in the somewhat cooler area around the exit from the subway station. Each time a subway train arrives, masses of busy people, most likely on their way to work spill out onto the square. They are destination bound and rush down the steps without looking left or right.
Only a very few pay any attention to the man who patiently stands there, calling monotonously:
“Der Ueberflieger ! Get the latest issue of the Ueberflieger now!”
Those who look at him, shake their head in rejection, making a curve around the man.
The vast majority do not even give him the courtesy of their recognition of his existence.
Fan-like he hold a number of orange colored pamphlets which he offers for somebody to accept.
Under his right arm he has additional copies of “The Overflyer”.
He is rather tall and very slim. A most prominent hook-nose above a small mustache and a very thin beard. Shoulder length brown hair frame his face which features a very high forehead.
“Der Ueberflieger ! Get the latest issue of the Ueberflieger now.”

He is not a Bum!
A pair of light blue Jeans and a dark blue T-shirt look clean and well fitting.
I move a few steps closer to see his face a little better and, if possible, to read what it says on his T-shirt.
There is an undeniable sadness in his eyes, but not resignation.
He just keeps calling to those who rush by, and there are hundreds of them, that they should accept his “Ueberflieger.”
No-one does. The vast majority do not even give him the slightest glance.
A disappointed sadness fills me.
I walk up to him and ask to buy one of his “Overflyers.”
He looks at me questioningly and hands me one of the orange colored pamphlets.
“How much” I ask.
“Whatever you want to give” he replies.
I glance at the first page and note that issue #123 calls for a “Voluntary Contribution.”
I hand him a bill. He does not accept it, because, as he says, he cannot give me change.
I assure him, that I want no change.
He mumbles something unintelligible and turns to the new swarm of early risers descending the wide stairs. There are no takers.
He returns to me and must have seen something in my face.
“I'm doing Okay! Today is just a bad day” he says.
The “Airport Bus” has arrived and I put my luggage in the low compartment.
During the 45 minute ride to the airport, I read the “Ueberflieger”.
The Editorial speaks of the “hiking day” on the 2nd October, when all voting Austrians must go to vote for the President of the Country for the second time, because some formal irregularities made a second vote necessary.
. “irrespective of your frustrations, because you have to vote again, please go and vote!
In many countries on our planet, the inhabitants are not given the possibility to vote!”
. and in this sober tenor the entire pamphlet is written.
It speaks of this second vote, as ordered by the Supreme Court of Austria.
It discusses “Ceta” the trade agreement between Canada and the European Union.
It asks whether the Italian Banks are in such trouble that they may cause another European Crises,
The Financial Health of the “Deutsche Bank” is questioned.
These orange colored pages talk about the extension of the Panama Canal. Some celebrate, while others are arrested! so the Ueberflieger claims.
Inflation in Venezuela how large and why is a subject and several other issues are presented for thinking about.
At last, but not least, a very funny page suggests that on closer examination it is revealed that Austria won the recent World Cup, or should have won. Maybe the goalpost was 2cm too far to the left, or to the right, otherwise the Austrian shot would have been in.

Here are 12 pages of intelligence, insight and wit and nobody wants to read them.


enjoyed every one of them.

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